With intriguing soundscapes and dazzling visuals, Sonic Frontiers presents eclectic, improvisatory experiences with live electronic music and projection art. With...
This session brings local artists Nomad the Native, Samoris, and Rayonte to Harmony Hall Arts Center. Nomads music is hip-hop...
With intriguing soundscapes and dazzling visuals, Sonic Frontiers presents eclectic, improvisatory experiences with live electronic music and projection art. With a focus on community engagement, members of The DC Modular Collective will host fall and spring mini-electronic music festivals at Brentwood Arts Exchange, presenting featured headliners, inviting drop-in performances, and offering hands-on education, demonstrations, and insight into this unique art form.
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This session brings local artists Nomad the Native, Samoris, and Rayonte to Harmony Hall Arts Center. Nomads music is hip-hop with a mix of fun energy, introspection, and groove focused production. In his craft is attempts to convey: “we all go through trials and tribulations in some sort and expressing that in whatever makes sense to us helps us be feel less alone; more alive”. Samoris was raised to be a go getter. From his perspective: “intentions are secondary to actions and Intentional Love conquers fear and negativity”.Rayonte is all about making the audience members feel positive. He vividly explains: “I want them to feel like themselves, it’s not an image being portrayed. When you hear my music, you hear yourself.”
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